If you’re wondering how much you’ll gain from DnD health potions or how much they cost, we’ve got you covered.

Oh, and we’ll also share a homebrew rule to spice things up.

Health potion DnD 5e — how much do they feel for?

Potion of Healing2d4 + 2Common
Potion of Healing (Greater)4d4 + 4Uncommon
Potion of Healing (Superior)8d4 + 8Rare
Potion of Healing (Supreme)10d4 + 20Very Rare

Health potion DnD 5e price

Potion of Healing DnD

When it comes to the cost of a health potion in DnD 5e, things aren’t incredibly clear past the regular Potion of Healing cost.

So, we put together what we’ve found to be the general consensus from reddit, forums, and more.

It’s worth noting, you control the economy and item availability in your game if you’re the dungeon master. If you want to lower or raise the prices, do it. If you want to make them easy to find, do it.

Potion of Healing2d4 + 250gp
Potion of Healing (Greater)4d4 + 4100gp
Potion of Healing (Superior)8d4 + 8500gp
Potion of Healing (Supreme)10d4 + 202,000gp

Health potion DnD 5e homebrew rules

Character drinking of a health potion in Dungeons and Dragons

So one big homebrew rule I’ve seen a lot and used myself is the following:

If you drink a potion as an action or out of combat, you receive the full amount. If you do it as a bonus action, you have to roll the dice due to potential spillage or not getting it all down.

This means if you take your action to use a standard Potion of Healing, you’d heal for 10 hit points (2d4+2 = 8+2 = 10). However, if you do it as a bonus action, you would roll the 2d4 and add 2 and heal for whatever the sum is.

Allows for some choices and also lets players avoid really poor healing rolls. This is good especially for those really expensive health potions. You’re telling me you spent 2,000gp on a potion and only healed for 30!? Ain’t no way.

READ MORE: How does Dungeons and Dragons work?

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