Want some creative ways to your the Dungeons and Dragons lover in your life goodnight?
While it may not be Valentine’s Day (or maybe it is) when you read this, we’ve got you covered.
Below you can find a list of 100 ways to tell a Dungeons and Dragons lover goodnight with the added fun of making them roll a percentile (1d100)!
100 DnD inspired goodnight messages to a D&D lover

Grab your dice (or pick a number at random) and roll for a fun DnD inspired goodnight message!
DnD goodnight phrases
Roll | Goodnight Phrase |
1 | Drift to sleep like you just rolled a natural 20 on “No Nightmares Tonight.” |
2 | Rest well, adventurer. Tomorrow’s dragon-slaying can wait till after breakfast. |
3 | May the stars guide you to dreams sweeter than a halfling’s second supper. |
4 | Sleep tight, champion. Your bravery keeps all those midnight goblins far away. |
5 | Snuggle down like a rogue in the world’s coziest hideout. |
6 | Tonight, you’re safe in a magical fortress of pillows—no monsters allowed. |
7 | Close your eyes, mighty barbarian. Save your rages for the alarm clock. |
8 | Good night, my arcane prodigy. Let your wizard brain recharge those spell slots in peace. |
9 | Slumber softly, dear bard. In dreamland, you always roll high on Performance checks. |
10 | May dawn greet you like a Cleric’s healing word, bright and revitalizing. |
11 | Time for bedtime. If you roll low, I’ll happily provide extra cuddles. |
12 | Sink into that pillow like it’s a bag of holding stuffed with comfort. |
13 | Dream big, like a dragon dreaming of treasure piles—and no pesky knights. |
14 | May your rest be more rejuvenating than a full short rest with extra dice. |
15 | Set down your shield, brave soul. Tomorrow’s quests can’t start without your rest. |
16 | You have advantage on cozy hugs tonight—roll with all the love you need. |
17 | May the moonlight cradle you like a gentle cantrip illuminating a quiet path. |
18 | I hope your dreams refill every lost spell slot, plus a little extra. |
19 | Drifting to sleep is your well-earned reward. Loot the bed for maximum comfort. |
20 | Say goodnight to worries. Give them a good old banishment until morning. |
21 | May your dreams be a vibrant forest with zero wandering owlbears. |
22 | Goodnight, sneaky rogue. Slip into dreamland with the same finesse you show on heists. |
23 | Rest like a dwarf who’s finally found a bottomless mug of ale. |
24 | You’ve conquered the day’s battles. Lay down your sword and claim your pillow. |
25 | Sleep as if your blankets are warded against all nightmares. |
26 | Stash your gear, adventurer. The next big encounter can wait till tomorrow. |
27 | Cast “Sleep” on your anxieties, then wake up ready to crit on life. |
28 | Close your eyes and imagine rolling 20s non-stop in your dreams. |
29 | May your dreams stitch together the best parts of every adventure we’ve shared. |
30 | Slumber like a fortified castle. No random encounters can breach your walls tonight. |
31 | May your mind roam free—no traps, no cursed items, just cozy imaginings. |
32 | As the DM of my heart, I rule that your sleep be calm and untroubled. |
33 | Good night, noble hero. Gain a full long rest with zero wandering monsters. |
34 | May your pillow feel softer than the warmest illusions a wizard can conjure. |
35 | Rest up. We’ll regroup at dawn like a party assembling for breakfast at the inn. |
36 | Sleep well, sorcerer. May your wildest magic weave only happy dreams. |
37 | Let your tiredness vanish like an illusion whose duration just expired. |
38 | Good night, shining star. Our epic saga continues with tomorrow’s sunlight. |
39 | Close your eyes, guarded by your own bravery and a pinch of luck. |
40 | Crawl into bed, fellow adventurer. We can roll initiative on tomorrow’s tasks later. |
41 | Rest like the undefeated champion you are, even after the toughest boss fight. |
42 | Let your cares drift away like a gentle breeze from a kind-hearted druid. |
43 | May your dreams star only helpful NPCs—boss monsters can wait till morning. |
44 | Sleep as contently as a dragon snoozing atop its cherished hoard. |
45 | Your bed is warded. Nightmares must roll disadvantage if they dare approach. |
46 | Snuggle in like a halfling who’s found the most comfy nook in the Shire. |
47 | Ready for a Snore check? Roll high and make it extra adorable. |
48 | Dream bigger than a wizard’s tower, but rest quieter than a rogue on a mission. |
49 | Set aside your sword. My affection is on watch while we both rest. |
50 | Cast Sleep on yourself. Tomorrow, you’ll be unstoppable. |
51 | Let me be your long rest. Wake up fully charged, emotionally and magically. |
52 | It’s time to regain your hit dice, dear companion. Enjoy the slumber loot. |
53 | Feel the pull of warm blankets calling you to a well-deserved rest. |
54 | Picture tomorrow’s sunrise as your reward chest for conquering today. |
55 | The day’s exhaustion is creeping up—better crash before you take a penalty. |
56 | Good night, my questing ally. Our story resumes in the morning’s first light. |
57 | Rest assured, dear friend. Our hearts are all in the same adventuring party. |
58 | Nightfall has come. Slip away like a hidden rogue, then greet dawn refreshed. |
59 | You’re the bard of my dreams. Sing me to sleep with your gentle snores. |
60 | May your morning Health roll crit for maximum positivity. |
61 | One last performance check: see how softly you can drift off tonight. |
62 | Count your sheep with the calm of a ranger herding them—no strays allowed. |
63 | Our bed’s a fortress. No nightmares can breach these cozy defenses. |
64 | The DM says it’s time to wrap up the session. Eyes closed, off to dreamland. |
65 | You’re immune to bad dreams tonight. My love doubles as a protective aura. |
66 | Tonight, you get a hero’s share of comfort for all the day’s heroic deeds. |
67 | May the dice of rest roll high, granting an epic-level slumber. |
68 | End your day as if you’ve found the perfect treasure chest—nothing but comfort inside. |
69 | We’re all under a gentle Repose spell. No disturbances in this restful realm. |
70 | Good night, nature’s caretaker. The forest of our shared life awaits your gentle watch tomorrow. |
71 | If the day was a dragon, let the night be your cunning mage, granting sweet relief. |
72 | Sending you a silent message: you are truly cherished. Go rest, dear adventurer. |
73 | May tonight mend you like a well-timed Cure Wounds. |
74 | Let’s meet in the dream realm, two bards in a private duet of happiness. |
75 | Your bed is a chest of wonders. Claim your well-earned loot of blissful sleep. |
76 | Drift off with barbarian vigor, like you just quaffed a healing potion. |
77 | May your illusions tonight be as stunning as a top-level wizard’s grand display. |
78 | Sleep with advantage, my friend. |
79 | Log off today’s adventure. Let tomorrow’s sunshine bring new HP and spells. |
80 | Curl up like a snail in its shell, snug and untouchable. |
81 | Wishing you a gentle Sleep spell and a Hero’s Feast worth of sweet dreams. |
82 | Rest easy. My heart stands guard to keep the nightmares away. |
83 | No random encounters tonight, only peaceful rest on the horizon. |
84 | May your night’s treasure chest hold nothing but wondrous items, no mimics. |
85 | I cast Calm Emotions on us both, letting the day’s tension drift away. |
86 | You’ve earned a dragon’s hoard of comfort after all you accomplished today. |
87 | Quiet your thoughts like a monk in serene meditation. Tomorrow’s feats await. |
88 | Wave farewell to today’s dragons, dear champion. Victory awaits in dreamland. |
89 | Snuggle down as though you’re a halfling in the comfiest burrow around. |
90 | We ended this session. Let’s reconvene after a rejuvenating long rest. |
91 | Let the lullaby of night mend any wounds from your daily battles. |
92 | Turn the day’s troubles to stone. They won’t move until dawn. |
93 | All daily spell slots used. Time to recharge that magical heart. |
94 | Drift away faster than a hasted sorcerer casting lightning bolt. |
95 | Like a ranger tracking the sunrise, let your dreams lead you toward tomorrow’s light. |
96 | The DM calls a break. We’ll resume our shared quest after some quality shuteye. |
97 | May your dreams shimmer like illusions conjured by a bard at their best. |
98 | Tonight, our bed is a fortress. No vile creature shall breach these blankets. |
99 | Good night, dear adventurer. Tomorrow’s sunrise holds the next part of our story. |
100 | Close your eyes like casting Sanctuary on your soul. Only peace can touch you now. |

Do you have a favorite or one you’d like to share? Let us know your DnD inspired goodnight messages in the comments!
READ MORE: 100 unique DnD character ideas for your next adventure
Hey, I’m Steven, the one-man team behind NerdCore.
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- Try to find another 9-to-5 job that might not align with my interests.
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