If you’ve wanted to give your players a fun game to compete in or perhaps just the opportunity to fish in your Dungeons and Dragons game (or other TTRPG), this article is for you.

We’ve created a free fishing system you can add to your TTRPG games with ease.

TTRPG fishing system guide

Essentially you players can go through any of the following steps as you decide they should.

They would first pick where to look for bait (dirty, foliage, shallow water) which would in turn determine which types of bait they can find.

They’ll roll on the chart matching the area they’re searching and receive one of the options.

The bait will give them a benefit of some kind. It could be a bonus to catch rolls, fish type rolls, or something else.

They would then roll on the fishing success table. This is where they could add a catch bonus if they have one. The fish success table determines if they catch a fish and its size (or special).

You’ll then move to the table that matches the size of fish they caught and have them roll again to determine the rarity of the fish and its point value.

Fish Bait Tables

Searching in the Dirt

Bait TypeDescriptionBonus
EarthwormA common and wriggly bait+1 to Catch Rolls (d20)
GrubsFat and juicy+2 to Catch Rolls (d20)
BeetlesSmall and abundant+1 to Catch Rolls (d20)
Small StonesAttracts curious fish+1 to Fish Type Rolls (d20)
Glittering MossSparkles in the water, enticing fish+2 to Fish Type Rolls (d20)
Mud CrabsSmall, resilient crabs that attract persistent fishAllows rolling Catch Rolls with advantage

Searching in Foliage

Bait TypeDescriptionBonus
Insect (Crickets)Noisy and attracts attention+1 to Catch Rolls (d20)
DragonflyFast-moving, attracts predatory fish+2 to Catch Rolls (d20)
Spider WebsSticky, holds other bait wellAllows combining two baits for cumulative bonuses
Magical MushroomsGlows faintly, attracts magical fish+3 to Fish Type Rolls (d20)
Plant RootsAromatic and enticing+1 to Fish Type Rolls (d20)
SnailsSlow but effective bait+1 to Catch Rolls (d20)

Searching in Water

Bait TypeDescriptionBonus
FrogsLarger bait for bigger fish+1 to Catch Rolls (d20)
Small FishCommon prey for larger fish+3 to Catch Rolls (d20)
FirefliesGlowing, attracts nocturnal fish+2 to Catch Rolls (d20) at night
Shiny StonesAttracts curious fish+1 to Fish Type Rolls (d20)
AlgaeCommon but effective+1 to Fish Type Rolls (d20)
Bioluminescent AlgaeGlows in the dark, attracting deep water fishAutomatically moves catch up one size category
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Fishing Success Table

Roll (d20)ResultOutcome
1-5No CatchNo fish caught
6-10Small CatchCatch a small fish
11-16Medium CatchCatch a medium fish
17-19Large CatchCatch a large fish
20Special CatchCatch a rare or legendary fish

Fish Type Table with Points

Small Catch

Roll (d20)Fish TypeSizeSpecial PropertiesPoints
1-5Small Common FishSmallNone1
6-10Small Rare FishSmallSlightly magical2
11-15Small Enchanted FishSmallFaint glow, minor magical property3
16-18Small Golden FishSmallValuable, worth more points5
19-20Small Legendary FishSmallHighly magical, grants temporary benefits10

Medium Catch

Roll (d20)Fish TypeSizeSpecial PropertiesPoints
1-5Medium Common FishMediumNone3
6-10Medium Rare FishMediumSlightly magical5
11-15Medium Enchanted FishMediumFaint glow, minor magical property8
16-18Medium Golden FishMediumValuable, worth more points12
19-20Medium Legendary FishMediumHighly magical, grants temporary benefits20

Large Catch

Roll (d20)Fish TypeSizeSpecial PropertiesPoints
1-5Large Common FishLargeNone5
6-10Large Rare FishLargeSlightly magical10
11-15Large Enchanted FishLargeFaint glow, minor magical property15
16-18Large Golden FishLargeValuable, worth more points25
19-20Large Legendary FishLargeHighly magical, grants temporary benefits30

Special Catch

Roll (d20)Fish TypeSizeSpecial PropertiesPoints
1-10Rare FishMediumSlightly magical, glows faintly20
11-15Enchanted FishMediumFaint glow, minor magical property30
16-20Legendary FishVery LargeHighly magical, grants temporary benefits50
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You can use the point system for in-game minigames or even a competition between the party and a Cloud Giant that just *loves* fishing (that’s what I did in my D&D game!).

Either way, give it a try and let us know what you think of the TTRPG fish system in the comments below!

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