While browsing the internet for topics to write about that would help us with the SEO gods (Googles algorithm), I stumbled upon the question ‘is Dungeons and Dragons dangerous?’
In this article, we’ll be diving into why this is even a question and what the answer is.
Some people are asking, is Dungeons and Dragons Dangerous?

To put it simply, no. Dungeons and Dragons is not dangerous in and of itself. It is no more dangerous than sitting and playing a board game or video games with a group of friends.
However, any of those things when done in extreme amounts or while avoiding responsibilities or whilst taking over your life can be an issue.
People who may have other issues they’re trying to escape from may put *too much* into their character, the game, and/or take things too personally.
The main thing to remember is everybody at the table should be there to make sure they and the rest of the group have an enjoyable time. This applies to every player as well as the dungeon master.

Now if we’re talking about danger in the game itself, well that’s going to depend on each group and the type of content they want their game to include.
There are groups that don’t mind coming across a total party kill (TPK) regularly, while others want their characters to feel much more powerful and safe.
Is Dungeons and Dragons demonic?
I can tell you, you’re not any more likely to be a member of a demonic cult playing D&D than you are from a weird yoga group (although your character can join one!).
Yes, there are things that stem from the occult in terms of monsters, demons, etc. in the game, however, those things are also in almost every single fantasy or action movie, video game, and book.

In 90% of D&D games, you’re actively working against evil, not joining it.
Ultimately the answer to is Dungeons and Dragons dangerous is a resounding no. It’s just a tabletop roleplaying game.
READ MORE: How does Dungeons and Dragons work?
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